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  • mind boggling
  • Mindfulness
  • misty
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  • Nature
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  • Quietness
  • Renewal
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  • Sacredness
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  • Slowing down
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  • Trees
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  • truth
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  • Universe
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  • wilderness
  • Winter
  • Wisdom
  • wise
  • world
  • Zen
Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life.
Amit Ray
If you love a tree you will be more beautiful than before!
Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day.
Hermann Hesse
Trees are sanctuaries. Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the truth.
Anthony T. Hincks
When you are lost in the wilderness, a tree will always point you in the right direction.
You can walk in a dream while you are awake: Just walk in the misty morning of a forest!
There is a serene and settled majesty to woodland scenery that enters into the soul and delights and elevates it, and fills it with noble inclinations.
When you go into a forest, anything can happen.
Dacha Avelin
Some of the best advice you will ever hear will come from the forest.
It is said that the forest has a certain limit if you look straight ahead, but the sides are boundless.
Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.
Katrina Mayer
Time spent amongst trees is never wasted time.
The woods seemed all answer and healing and more than enough to live for.
The forest is a pillow for a wanderer.
Carl Sagan
Deep down, at the molecular heart of life, the trees, and we are essentially identical.
When we walk into a grove of trees or under an open sky the magic of nature takes over and the heaviness of life lifts a little.
There is always an adventure waiting in the woods.
I find my soul in forests
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